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  • fgfghh123 – новый статус:   13 г., 8 мес. назад · Просмотр

    Jackson Pollock Invented a New Kind
    Jackson Pollock was born in Cody, art painting Wyoming in nineteen twelve. He grew up in the states of Arizona and California. Pollock later said that the wide-open land of these western areas greatly influenced his expansive artwork. In nineteen thirty he moved east to New York City where he studied at the Art Students League. There, Pollock nba jerseys spent a few years studying with the artist Thomas Hart Benton who painted images of every day American life. Pollock’s early works are similar to his teacher’s kind of painting. However, Pollock slowly left this traditional art education behind.
    Pollock’s work had many other swiss military watch influences. For example, he liked a group of Mexican painters who made murals. Murals are large images that the artists paint directly onto a wall. Some of these painters were working in New York City in the nineteen thirties, so Pollock was able to see them work. Pollock borrowed several cocktail dresses methods and ideas from these artists. They included the use of large canvases, the method of freely applying paint and honoring old and new traditions.ollock was also influenced by the Spanish artist Miro. Miro was part of a movement of surrealist painters. designer wedding dresses Surrealist artists thought that true art comes from a part of the mind called the unconscious. The unconscious controls the area of the mind that produces dreams. Pollock agreed with these artists that the unconscious mind was an important force in creating art.
    Also, when he was in his late runescape gold twenties, Pollock suffered a mental breakdown. It was caused in part by depression and dependence on alcohol. As a result, he was treated by a Jungian psychoanalyst. This is a special kind of expert in emotional health who works to understand the unconscious mind, dreams, and emotions. Pollock was wow power leveling influenced by this kind of investigation of human relations and emotions. This ”inside world” would become the subject of his paintings.

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